Got to go to work today--
This semester it's Writing Fiction to undergrads. Always interesting. You never know who's going to show up, who's going to flower.
I'm lucky to work with some great faculty and students.
Here's Les Standiford with a couple of our graduates from the MFA program who've done well in publishing. Chris Kling and Barbara Parker (from left to right.)

You call these people professors?

And here's Vicki Hendricks. Usually she's falling from the sky. A diver from planes among other heart-racing things.

Here's another one of our grads looking hunky in a doorway. We teach that noir look in the graduate seminars.

Okay, so we use some advanced teaching methods. This is a technique we call water-dripping. Works every time.

And this is for that occasional unruly student, the know-it-all who just won't shut up.
I came to FIU in 1973. I'll be leaving a year from this April. Jeez. It seems like yesterday. I keep waiting for the Dean at Harvard to call and offer me a chair.

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