Saturday, February 2, 2008

The tour begins

Okay, so here we go. I've got my GPS loaded and ready with all the bookstores and hotels on my trip. I've got my bags packed, my munchies in a cooler. I'm ready. Now St. Martin's Press, my wonderful publisher, is letting me choose which rental car I'd like to use to circumnavigate Florida.

My choices are:

The Green One: (which is actually red)

Or the greener one: (which is actually pink)

Or big Mama: (If I select this one, I'll have to forgo my advance on the next novel)

Or option number 4: Be frugal and walk in a new pair of shoes.

I guess it'll be doing number 2 (so to speak).

I'm going to be making home movies on this trip and will be posting them on the blog (so I can remember what happened later). So if you're planning to come to an event, please prepare something witty to say so I can show the world what brilliant fans I have.

I know, I know, asking you to be witty is a little stressful. But you can do it. I know you can.

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